Keep Your Pipes From Freezing to Avoid a Winter Flood in Your Home

Colder temperatures become more severe as winter continues and you want to be as best prepared as you can be to adapt to the consequences of the changing degrees. Sudden drops in temperature are especially dangerous for your home and your water pipes. Not taking the proper action to protect your pipes can lead to leakage, flooding, and structural damages.

Luckily, there are preventative measures you can take to prevent your pipes from freezing this winter.

The first step is to simply ensure that your heat is set at a high enough temperature. Especially if you are traveling, it is recommended that you ensure your thermostat is set to at or above 55 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are at home, double check that your thermostat will not drop in temperature during the night. Outside temperatures often reach the lowest degrees during the night, making this time some of the most vulnerable periods for your pipes.

Second, create circulation of warm air around your pipes. If your pipes are located in a bathroom or kitchen, propping the doors to those access cabinets and bringing warmer air in contact with your pipes will also prevent their freezing. If you are in a place of serious concern and the warmer air from your home is not enough, placing an operating heater next to those pipes is another preventative measure one might take.

Lastly, having constant water flow through your pipes will discourage their freezing. A drip or small stream of water will suffice; full power from your faucet is not necessary. Collecting the water you are allowing to run in buckets or other containers is a way to reduce water waste while stocking up on emergency reserves.

As an additive measure, there are insulators you can invest in for any extremely exposed areas of pipe you might have. Installing insulators will help retain your home’s heat around the pipes. Insulating products that are applied directly to the pipe are another option, and another line of defense against dropping temperatures. You may consider this an option for your basements, attics, or any other area in your home that is susceptible to cold temperatures.

All in all, while these remedies may increase your water or heating bill for the month, it is certainly worth the repair bill you will likely have if you do not take the necessary precautionary steps to protect your home.



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