Dry Patrol Works Directly With Your Insurance Company

It seems that nobody likes dealing with insurance companies. In 2020 BOTH Presidential candidates pledged to minimize the role of insurance companies in getting health care. As far back as 1985 Andy Rooney published an essay in the Chicago Tribune proclaiming “Why we Hate Insurance Companies.” In the essay he explains how his rates went up after a claim even though he had paid far more than he had ever claimed on his policy over the years.

And dealing with an insurance agency following a fire or flood is frustrating. You are already exhausted from the inconvenience and the shock of loss and feelings of insecurity. And now, on the other end of the phone (if you can get them on the phone) is someone who seems determined to not pay your claim.

No wonder people often forego insurance at all – it is confusing at best, and maddening at worst.

So in this moment of frustration, when you are dealing with a mold, flood, fire, or other home damage situation, let Dry Patrol deal with your insurance company.

Let Dry Patrol deal with your insurance agency. Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Dry Patrol does the work for you

Coordinating with an insurance company can also be frustrating. Details about the policy as well as details about building codes in your area have to be exchanged.

There needs to be a discussion about pricing for both supplies and labor.

And of course it all needs to happen in a timely manner. People need to get paid who are doing work that will allow you to get back to life as you knew it.

This is why it is so important to know  that dry Patrol will do the work of coordinating with your insurance company.

If you contract with Dry Patrol for your cleanup project,  not only do you get professional cruise with years of hands-on experience in solving problems related to flood damage, water damage, fire, and mold, they can be the middleman who takes dozens of insurance phone calls off of your plate.

If your house has been damaged, haven’t you been through enough?  why subject yourself to multiple calls and interruptions at inconvenient times?

Let Dry Patrol handle the entire interaction for you. Call us today to speak to one of our friendly and helpful employees.

When I talk to my insurance company … Photo by Heather Gill on Unsplash. Text added by author.

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